The norwegian Elvis Web-site's trade list


I'm looking for German Elvis 78's, 45's and EP's. Please send me a mail if you have something for trade or sale. Promo's and testpressings are high on my list even promo/testpressings of LP's. I pay top prices for rarities. .
E-mail to:
I need the following Elvis 78rpm's pressed in Finland:
20-6357 "Mystery Train"/"I Forgot to Remember to Forget", 20-6420 "Heartbreak Hotel"/"I Was the One", 20-6643 "Love Me Tender"/"Anyway You Want It" and 20-7000 "Loving You"/"Teddy Bear"
E-mail to:
I'm looking for US 45's/EP's and LP's.
E-mail to: Christian Ziegler Remme